Code of Conduct for Giotto Water s.r.l. Suppliers

This Code of Conduct defines the basic principles applicable to the suppliers of goods and services of Giotto Water S.r.l. in relation to their responsibilities towards their employees and the environment.

Giotto Water S.r.l. reserves the right to make changes to the requirements established in this document following changes in the ethics program.

In this case Giotto Water S.r.l. expectation is that the supplier accepts such reasonable changes.

The supplier therefore declares to be in agreement with:

  1. Compliance with Laws
  • Respect the laws of the applicable legal systems.
  1. Prohibition of corruption and bribery
  • Do not admit or engage in any form of corruption, including payments or other forms of benefits given to public officials in order to influence decisions against applicable laws;
  1. Respect the fundamental human rights of employees
  • Promote equal opportunities for its employees, as well as fair treatment of them, regardless of skin colour, race, nationality, social background, disability, sexual orientation, political or religious belief, gender or age;
  • Respect the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual;
  • Refrain from hiring or having someone work against will;
  • Do not admit any unacceptable treatment of employees, such as mental cruelty, sexual harassment or discrimination;
  • Prohibit any behaviour that is sexually offensive, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative, including gestures, language and physical contact;
  • Provide adequate remuneration and ensure the mandatory minimum salary in force of law;
  • Comply with the maximum number of working hours established by the applicable regulations;
  • As legally possible, recognize the right of free association of employees and not to support or discriminate against members of employee membership organizations or trade unions.
  1. Prohibition of child labour
  • Do not hire workers under the age of 15 year or, in countries subject to the derogation for developing countries of ILO Convention 138 (International Labour Organization), do not hire workers under the age of 14.
  1. Employee’s health and safety
  • Take responsibility for the health and safety of employees;
  • Keep the dangers under control and take the most appropriate precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases;
  • Offer training courses and ensure that employees are informed about health and safety issues;
  • Establish and use an adequate safety management system and health of workers.
  1. Environmental protection
  • Act in compliance with statutory and international regulations on environmental protection;
  • Minimize pollution and make continuous improvements to protect the environment;
  • Establish and use an adequate environmental management system.
  1. Supply chain
  • Take appropriate actions to promote compliance with this Code of Conduct with the suppliers;
  • Comply with the principles of non-discrimination in the selection and treatment of suppliers.
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